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Full Care Boarding, Be Sure You Horse Is Getting the Best Care

When it comes to looking for a full care facility to keep your beloved horse at, you want to be sure they are in the right hands. Your horse isn't just a pet, they're family and you want to rest easy at night knowing they are safe. Full care boarding is the safest bet if you have a busy schedule but want to know your horse is getting hands-on care. Things to consider when looking for a full care facility:

Stall Cleanliness:

How clean the facility is a good indicator of whether or not it will adequately suit you and your horse's needs. Cleanliness is important for a variety of reasons. If your horse is kept in a stall, the stall will need to be kept clean to avoid illnesses and ensure over the health of your horse. The cleanliness will also limit the number of flies at the facility. By having a method of fly control, it will eliminate irritation and sores caused by fly bites. As well as diseases that can be carried by flies to your horse.

Proper Turn Out for Your Horse:

gray horse boarding

It is important for your horse's health to be turned out at least once a day if they are kept in a stall, this will help them get out energy, as well as help with other factors. Turn out is important for your horse's hoof and joint health.  Standing in a stall all day can affect the growth of hooves, by not getting enough blood flow to the hoof. Standing in manure and urine can also lead to thrush and white line disease. Not only will turn out help keep their hooves healthy, but by adding a supplement with biotin, MSM, and Zinc into their diet can also improve the health of your horse's hooves.

Your Horse's Diet:

horse hay

A horse's diet is key to its performance and health. When looking at full care facilities, you want to be sure they are getting proper nutrition to keep them happy and healthy. Most full care boarding facilities will provide the service of feeding your horse their vitamin and mineral supplements. Some places may even suggest a supplement if your horse isn't already on one. The quality of hay at the facility is important as well; make sure your horse is being fed high-quality hay to ensure proper nutrition. On top of proper supplementation for your horse, be aware of water accessibility. Check for access to plenty of clean drinking water for your horse throughout the day. There are many things to consider when looking for a full care boarding facility. The number one thing to focus on is the health and safety of your horse. Before selecting a barn for your horse tour, the barn and never be afraid to ask questions about the stalls, turnouts, nearby vets, and nutritional options for your horse while they are in the care of the facility.

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