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Weight Nutritionist Q&A

Customer: “My horse has been on Horse Guard for about a year now, and I love the product. He is a super hard keeper, and now that he has shed out his winter coat you can really see his ribs. He has always been ribby, and nothing has worked. I was wondering if you would recommend that I take him off Horse Guard and put him on Super Gain? Does Super Gain have all the same vitamins and minerals that Horse Guard has? Would it make him hot? Horse info: Age – 10 Breed – TB Training – In Hunter/Jumper training 5 days per week Current feeding regime – 2 flakes alfalfa AM/PM, 2 scoops Alfalfa pellets at lunch Current weight – around 1250 Height – 16.1 Thanks!!!”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: I think switching to Super Weight Gain would be a great idea for your gelding. Super Weight Gain contains all the vitamins and mineral that Horse Guard does in an 8 oz serving of Super Weight Gain. In addition, it has massive amounts of prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures to help stabilize the gut flora so he can the most out of his feed. Super Weight Gain is an extruded soybean-based product that is loaded with protein and fat. The energy that it provides will be “cool” energy and won’t make him hot. Being in a high level of training like he is, you may also consider increasing his hay if he will eat more. I have an appendix QH mare that in addition to her Super Weight Gain, when she is being worked all the time, she receives free-choice alfalfa.
Customer: “I have a 2 yr old colt that was overdosed on bute when he was castrated which damaged his kidneys so he now needs to have limited protein and calcium in his diet so I have him on Horse Guard to ensure he gets all the vitamins and mineral he needs and I love it. But he is dropping weight and so I was thinking of switching him over to Super Weight Gain but I was wondering if it is super high in protein and calcium? He is on straight grass hay and that is all he can have. I’m just worried because Super Weight Gain is high in protein that it may be too much for him. The vet recommended Purina Amplify as a good source of fat – do you know how that product compares to Super Weight Gain in regards to protein and calcium levels?” 
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear that his kidneys were damaged. Switching your 2-year-old to Super Weight Gain should really help him regain a good body condition. Although Super Weight Gain is high in protein it is only fed at 8 ounces per 1000 pounds, which is a small amount considering they typically eat between 15-20 pounds of hay per day. Super Weight Gain has double the protein and half the calcium of Amplify. However, it is fed a lower dose. Amplify is to be fed at 1-4 pounds a day, whereas Super Weight Gain is to be fed at 0.5 pounds a day. So if you are feeding 1 pound of Amplify compared to 0.5 pound of Super Weight Gain you colt is getting the same amount of protein and half the amount of Calcium with Super Weight Gain. In addition, Super Weight Gain is meeting all his vitamin and mineral needs. So if you are feeding a lower protein and calcium hay such as timothy, orchard, or Bermuda Super Weight Gain would be a good combination. You may also consider pouring a cup of flaxseed oil on his hay. The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil can help reduce renal inflammation and provide him with more calories without adding protein.
Customer: “I have two Polish Arabians that I rescued last year. When I got them one was very underweight and from what I learned he has never been up to full weight at any time. I have tried all different weight gain products and nothing seems to help. I live in SC so alfalfa in the summer is not an option I want. He is 5 and I’m just starting to ride him regularly. He is very active and runs off his excess energy, sometimes running for up to 2 hours (bicycles will set this off). My other horse is his half-brother, a little smaller and stockier (6 y/o). I ride him regularly but I would like to see their top line with more and rump area. They weight about 800-900 pounds. This is their current feeding regimen: AM 2 qts beet pulp (wet) 2 qts Dumor Senior pellets 1 qt Equijewel Rice bran ugard they are out on pasture and have hay at their leisure. PM feeding is the same. I cut out the mid-day feeding once the grass came up. (half of the AM/PM feeding).”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: The 5-year-old sounds very energetic. Ones like him are very hard to put and keep weight on. Your 5-year-old also sounds he could be the type of horse to have ulcers. You could consider getting him scoped by your veterinarian. With horses with ulcers, I have had really good luck with adding aloe vera juice to the concentrate. For both of your horses, I would look replacing the beet pulp (if their forage is high quality) with a high-fat feed, like extruded soybeans or renew gold. This will provide them with more “cool” energy to put weight on, and may help your 5-year-old because fat has shown to help to calm high energy horse. I would also highly recommend trying our Super Weight Gain product. It will provide them with a complete vitamin/mineral supplement, fat, and most importantly prebiotics and probiotics to help them establish better gut flora in order to get more out of the feed they are consuming. You can buy it on amazon, and typically works absolutely amazing for most horses. We have a lot of Arabian owners that swear by it to help put and keep weight on their hard-keepers.
Customer: “Is it ok to use Super Weight Gain in Tennessee? I read that all your products have selenium, which is not deficient in our area.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Tennessee isn’t excessively high in selenium, and actually has pockets that are deficient. Therefore, Super Weight Gain would great for your horse. Let me know if I can answer any other questions.
Customer: “The list of ingredients doesn’t include potassium- does that mean that there is none? I am a bit confused since the main ingredient is whole soybeans. I understand that soybean meal is high potassium yet soybean hulls are low in potassium. Where do we stand with super weight gain? I have an older HYPP horse with rare but severe episodes.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: The list of ingredients is a list of feedstuffs in the formula….it is not a list of all nutrients… Super Weight Gain contains whole soybeans. Whole soybeans are the whole bean including the hull. Therefore, Super Weight Gain would only provide about 1.2 grams of potassium per day to the total ration.
Customer: “My 14-year-old gelding has a poor topline. Is there any product that can improve that? He is in good shape otherwise.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: There are many factors that can affect topline. However, nutritionally Super Weight Gain would provide him with a high-quality protein, in addition to a great vitamin-mineral supplement which will aid in producing muscle mass over his topline. This supplement along with exercise that engages his back and hind end can help to improve his topline.
Customer: “My friend has a horse that they say is 42 years old. I had no idea a horse could even live that long. Is that unusual? What is a normal life for a horse? Anyhow, he has no teeth so they feed him grain with water and some other things. I was wondering if you have any suggestions. Thank you.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: That is pretty old for a horse. Typically horses live around 30 years. Losing their teeth is a common problem with older horses. So you have to feed them some sort of mash. I would highly recommend adding our Super Weight Gain product to his diet. It is an extruded soybean-based product so it is easy for horses with no teeth to eat. As horses age (especially this guy, being 42) they need added assistance. Super Weight Gain will not only provide him more fat but also a complete vitamin and mineral supplement to address deficiencies, and prebiotics, and probiotics to help him get the most he can out of the feed him is eating. A horse that old needs all the help he can get.
Customer: “I recently bought two mares (4 weeks ago), one who’s approximately 3 months pregnant the other who’s a rescue that’s nursing and very underweight. We’re currently feeding her beet pulp mush with black oil sunflower seeds and a product called haystack. I want to start both mares on super gain and or Horse Guard. My curiosity is, do I continue with the beet pulp with your products? Also, will super gain be enough to put some weight on for winter (my main concern). We had her teeth floated last week and the vet recommended foal and mare feed. She’s been on that about 5 days along with the beet pulp much. I’m trying to simplify the feed but with the most/best nutrients possible. I’m new to the horse world so any advice is welcomed! Thank you for your time!”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: You can continue feeding the beet pulp with our products or you may consider feeding the haystack specials blend with our products (which is recommended being fed ½ to 11/2 pounds per 100 lb body weight in order to help put weight on, so an average horse would receive 5-15 pounds). For the mare that is very underweight, I would recommend putting her on Super Weight Gain, the mare and foal, and some haystack feed. In addition, if she isn’t already on alfalfa hay, feeding both grass hay and slowly start introducing alfalfa into her diet. Feed her all she can eat of grass hay. The key with the skinny mare is to increase her calorie content. Super Weight Gain will provide her with fat and protein, as well as meet any vitamin and mineral deficiencies she has, and help her to get more out of the feed she is consuming, but she also needs the calorie content of her total diet increased. For the other pregnant mare, if she is in good body condition you can feed her Horse Guard and a little mare and foal feed (to meet the increased levels of Calcium and phosphorous), along with all she can eat grass hay, and if you like a little alfalfa. If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them. Welcome to the world of horses.
Customer: “I have a 1 year 2-month-old miniature horse that I rescued from a kill auction when he was 6 months old. My daughters show him at horse shows. I have a couple questions and concerns I was hoping I could get some answers or some insight from you, I just want to make sure I am feeding him properly and not depriving him of some nutrition. I am currently feeding Tribute Kalm N Ez plus GC. Which was recommended to me from some other friends that own Miniature horses? My little man has a hay belly look to him, He has been dewormed and I do an egg count on him every couple months. He is currently being fed 1/4 cup of grain twice a day and fed 1/2 flake 3 times a day. He is turned out in a pasture with a pony buddy that has very limited grass in it so they do have some hay thrown out in the pasture with them as well. Due to him being shown I have been trying to figure out a way to get the pregnant look to go away, so any advice is welcomed. I was told by some people that he has the hay belly because he eats to much hay (before I started making u bags with half a flake of hay, barn staff would throw in about 1-2 flakes per feeding) and other people telling me he is not getting enough protein, I feed him Dac Orange vitamin and mineral supplement along with his grain. I would like to get advice from a more educated person that knows what’s best for them, I’m really desperate to make sure I am feeding him properly as we would really like the nice tummy tuck on him versus looking pregnant. He does get light training daily which ranges from arena work with setting up for halter class and trotting to some days of cantering/trotting for 30 mins in the round pen.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: It sounds like you are working hard to provide your miniature horse the best for his health. The low starch grain is a good choice for him, as they do have a tendency to develop metabolic disorders. As far as the hay belly goes, consider the type of hay that he is being fed, it could be that if it is low in protein (under 10% CP) that it is part of the cause to the hay belly. Typically, wherever you buy your hay they can provide you with the Crude Protein analysis. He might also be an easy keeper and it would push towards the limit feeding as you have switched to. The thing to be careful about is that equines are supposed to graze continuously throughout the day. By feeding him three times a day you are helping him. Also, be careful to not let him have too much access to green grass because miniatures are very susceptible to laminitis. For your vitamin/mineral supplement I would recommend switching to Horse Guard. It will provide your miniature horse with more selenium which aids in immunity, and overall health. It is supplemented on a weight basis, one ounce per 500 lbs, and a 2-ounce scoop is included. So, for example, if your miniature weighs 250lbs you would feed him 1/4 of a scoop.
Customer: “I have been feeding Purina Sr. Active for about 2 years or so. Lately, I have noticed more and more whole corn showing up. I spoke with a friend she suggested that I switch him to timothy pellets and a good vitamin/mineral supplement. I live here in Washington and know that selenium is not good here. Plus being a sr. he needs joint, hoof, and immune help. I have also noticed that he has lost most of his hair coat but a little still remains. I have wormed him and give him a coconut powder. What would your suggestion be with respect to feeding the hay pellets and your product?”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: I would highly recommend feeding him Trifecta. It will provide him with a vitamin-mineral supplement that provides 3 mg of organic selenium (crucial in selenium-deficient areas), a hoof supplement, and joint supplement all in one feeding. The biotin in this product will help his hair coat. In addition, the probiotics will help him to get more out of the feed he is consuming.
Customer: “Which of your products would you recommend for a rescued 16 hand, 13yr.old quarter horse who was very underweight. I acquired him about a mo. ago, very very thin, have been feeding him twice a day soaked alfalfa pellets with three cups of Purina senior feed, adding probiotics, corn oil and flax seeds. Turn out is 24-7 on two acres with two feedings of timothy hay, compressed about a total of six slabs. Has been wormed and teeth floated. Can no longer see ribs but bones on hips very evident, no topline, head looks too big for body because of no muscle. Thank you.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your rescue horse. Sounds like you have a good start on him. I would recommend adding Super Weight Gain to your feeding regime and removing the probiotics. Super Weight Gain has a complete vitamin-mineral supplement, prebiotic and probiotic supplement, and full-fat extruded soybeans. The vitamin-mineral supplement will help to meet any deficiencies he has, the probiotics will continue to help establish a healthy gut flora so he can get more out of the feed he is consuming. The soybeans are a great energy source, full of amino acids that will help to rebuild his topline and muscle.
Customer: “We had our whole herd, five horses various ages, on Horse Shine for a year. Most of them eat it reluctantly or not at all. We switched to Horse Guard and they practically lick their grain buckets. My question is, we have one older guy that is so picky about his feed. He is the one that wouldn’t even touch the Horse Shine. He needs more weight especially going into winter. Is there any kind of sampler package available that I could buy to test on him? No one else in the group needs to gain any more weight. Most of them are on a managed diet. I would appreciate any help you can give me here.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: We love to hear that your horses like Horse Guard so much. It doesn’t get any better when they like to eat what is good for them! For your older guy, I would recommend starting him on Super Weight Gain. We don’t have sample packages, however, all of our products have a 100% money-back guarantee. So I would buy a 10 lb bag, which lasts 20 days. Then if for some reason you can’t get him to eat it you can return it for a full refund and put him back on Horse Guard. Super Weight Gain will provide him cool energy from protein and fat like other weight gain products. However, what set Super Weight Gain apart from its competitors is that it also supplies him with a full dose of the Horse Guard to ensure all his vitamin and mineral needs are still being met; and prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures to help stabilize his gut flora and allow him to get more out of his food he is consuming.
Customer: “Jakob is a 22yo OTTB at my barn, I am getting involved in his nutrition due to his high weight loss. He is very ribby, hip bones sticking out, quite underweight. We are heading into winter here in Belchertown Massachusetts and I am trying to help his owner get the situation under control. What is your suggestion as far as supplements as well as pounds of grain/day and how many times as well as how much hay etc. He is currently on an extruded feed 4 pounds a day with two pounds of soaked beet pulp. We are also blanketing him starting tonight in a lightweight blanket. He is getting wormed as that has not been done since April, and he will have a fecal done. He is also getting his teeth done ASAP. Please advise on the type of feed etc if you can.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: So sorry to hear about the OTTB being so underweight. Sounds like you are helping the owner get him on the right track. Being dewormed and getting his teeth is the first step in the right direction. When considering his feeding program, it is important that you slowly increase his feed. When horses are very emaciated you can put them in grave danger if you introduce a lot of feed at once. I would recommend starting him on Super Weight Gain right away. The small dosage of 8 oz a day can be fed in full to him immediately. It not only provides fat and protein for energy, like other weight gain supplement, it also contains a vitamin pack that addresses any vitamin and mineral deficiencies the horse may have and helps to stabilize the gut flora with prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures so the horse can get more out of the feed he is consuming. For forage. I would recommend feeding him a very high-quality forage. Slowly introduce more and more hay. I recommend eventually stepping him up to free-choice hay. Horse's digestive systems are designed to consistently eat small amounts throughout the day. There are continuous feeders designed for this purpose that help minimize wasted hay. The 4 pounds of extruded feed and 2 pounds of beet pulp are a great start to helping this horse. The rule of thumb is that a horse’s daily feed consumption should be no more than 40% concentrate of his total diet. So you could gradually step him up to approximately 10 pounds of extruded feed per day. Feed the concentrate in 3 different feedings per day.
Customer: “I have a 25-year-old Arabian and she’s getting thin in withers and hips what supplements should I give her to fill her out? Thanks!” Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your mare. I would recommend putting her on super weight gain. It provides your mare with fat and protein like other weight gain supplements. However, in addition, contains a vitamin/mineral supplement and probiotics, prebiotics, and live yeast cultures (for gut health). This will address other issues that other weight gain supplements don’t address. This should help to fill her back out. Good luck and thank you for taking great care of your mare.
Customer: “We have been feeding our horses this: 33 year old Welch Cobb pony (500) Super Gain (1 scoop) plus Senior Equine (9 oz..), 1 lb of Rice Bran, 1 scoop of Equizyme, 1 scoop of CW Continuous Wormer, Simplifly and 7 lbs of grass hay.(I don’t see any spit balls of hay). He does get his teeth looked at and filed regularly. The Super Gain worked at first, but, over the last year he has lost maybe 100 lbs. And our 23 year old Miniature horse (220 lbs) 8oz. of Rice Bran, 1/2 scoop of Equizyme, 1/2 scoop of CW Continuous Wormer, Simplifly & 3 lbs of grass hay. He has had recurring bouts of Laminitis which started about 15 years ago from hanging with the big horses on pastures. Just found out our employee was giving Senior Equine to him without permission which most likely caused the last bout of Laminitis. He is no longer eating Sr. Equine. What can I do to help our Welch Cobb gain 100 lbs and our mini gain 30 lbs.?”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your horses. As they age it can get harder and harder to keep weight on them. I would recommend keeping them on the super weight gain, and adding Glow to their program. Glow is extruded soybeans. It will provide them protein and fat to provide them more energy without any added carbohydrates. Glow will help to prevent laminitis. The energy-dense soybeans will be a safe energy source for them. If I can answer any other questions for you I would love to.
Customer: “I have a 4 yr. old Thoroughbred that cribs.. we got him free last fall from a lady in MN who got him from CA off a race track.. We have tried the “shock” collar on him.. it started to work and then he decided to rub it on the fences and turn it upside down.. a real pain. We are looking for something that will help with weight gain. He has been losing weight (which he really never had much to lose). And for this, we haven’t even been on him. What would you recommend for him?”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your horse. It is a habit that once developed can be nearly impossible to break. I would recommend keeping a cribbing collar on the horse, because a horse that cribs consistently can wear their front teeth down, making it hard for them to eat. Also, if you can, allow a lot of turn out time, and free-choice hay. Sweet feeds have been observed to increase the frequency of a cribber cribbing. A link has found between ulcers and cribbing as well. It is unknown if the ulcers are created from cribbing or vice versa. Research has shown that genetics play a role in cribbing. Therefore, horses are unlikely to learn the habit from a cribber. If you want to read a great article with a lot of research on cribbing go to: As far as the weight issue goes, I would highly recommend starting him on Super Weight Gain. It is an amazing weight gain product that not only provides added calories to the diet with high protein and fat, it also is the only weight gain supplement to provide a complete vitamin/mineral supplement, and prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures. These components help to address the weight issue in a most rounded way in order to more effectively help the horse put on weight.
Customer: "Hi. I am very interested in this product. Do you offer samples? I have a 25 yr old gelding that I am having issues keeping weight on. I have many supplements w no positive results. Thanks in advance…”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: I am sorry to hear about your gelding. As horses age, it can get harder and harder to keep weight on them. Super Weight Gain has shown many people positive results when they haven’t seen any difference with other weight gain supplements. The reasoning for that is that it not only addresses energy needs with fat and fiber, but it also addresses vitamin and mineral deficiencies and helps to stabilize the gut with prebiotics and probiotics. We don’t offer samples. However, all our products have a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied, call the office and we will take care of it for you.
Customer: “I have a senior thoroughbred gelding that I’ve had for the last two years. He was a rescue horse so he has a few issues, nervous and such at times. I find that he isn’t putting weight on like he should be. I have tried many different feeds and I’ve increased them as much as I can but I don’t see any difference. Is there anything you recommend to feed or do so he can put some weight on… Thanks in advance.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your horse. I would recommend trying Super Weight Gain. It will not only provide him with fat and protein like other weight gain supplements but it will also take care of any vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies that he may have. Often times thin horses are more prone to vitamin/mineral deficiencies. In addition, the product contains prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures. Some horses, especially rescue horses, don’t have optimal gut flora to help break down and metabolize the nutrients ingested. The prebiotics and probiotics in Super Weight Gain will help to develop healthier gut flora in the hindgut so that your gelding can get more out of his feed. The product is a soybean-based product so he would be consuming “cool” energy and not making him more nervous. This along with good-quality hay in front of him at all times and whatever kind of concentrate you prefer, I think should help your gelding to start putting on weight.
Customer: “Hello, I have a question about your feed. I actually just ordered a bag yesterday of the standard horse guard to try on my horse. My horse is a little thin right now with a little hay belly. He needs help filling out his top line though. He gets a grass alfalfa mix and has a mineral lick available 24/7. Is this a situation where this feed would help him with his coat condition as well as body condition? Like I said, I already purchased, so this will be the first route we take, just wanted to get general feedback based on the specific situation.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Feeding Horse Guard is a great step in the right direction. It will take care of any deficiencies he may have and help his coat condition. However, if you are not satisfied with his body condition you have a couple of options. Since you have already purchased the Horse Guard you could also purchase Glow, which is extruded soybeans. It would provide your horse with extra energy from fat and protein to help you build his topline. The second option is to put him on Super Weight Gain. A ten-pound bag of Super Weight Gain will last 20 days. In a dose of Super Weight Gain he will not only get a full dose of Horse Guard, he will also get fat and protein, as well as powerful prebiotics and probiotics, which will help him with any digestion issues he might have. Once he is in the condition that you would like you could put him back on Horse Guard to maintain his nutritional plane. Since you already have the Horse Guard, no worries, the shelf life on Horse Guard is two years. This would allow you to feed Super Weight Gain until you are satisfied with his condition, and then put him on Horse Guard.
Customer: “I have a mare who is somewhere around 26/27. She’s foundered in the past and over the last month, she’s lost a lot of weight. She’s on grass hay and the special blend pellets from Culver. The vet said her teeth don’t look that bad and she’s been dewormed. The vet said Horse Guard had something that should work for her. So what do you think? She’s 100 lbs underweight!”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Dr. Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Sorry to hear about your mare. I would definitely recommend putting her on Super Weight Gain. It not only has cool energy fat and protein (which will help because she shouldn’t receive feeds high in starch), it also has a complete vitamin and mineral supplement. In addition, it has prebiotics and probiotics to help her with any gastrointestinal issues she may be having.
Customer: “I am currently feeding my horse Super Weight Gain. I am very pleased with his weight gain. He is looking good and is almost at an ideal weight. Could you please give me the approximate number of kilocalories per pound (or a similar unit) for this product and the protein and fat content? Thank you.”
Answer by Ph.D. Equine Nutritionist, Kelsey Johnson Nonella: Great to hear Super Weight Gain has helped your horse out. In 8 ounces of Super Weight Gain there are 1250 kcal. The product is 35% crude protein, and 15% crude fat. What really benefits horses in poor condition is that multiple issues are addressed in Super Weight Gain. So in addition to high fat and protein levels, the probiotics help to stabilize the gut so that your horse can get the most out the feed he is consuming, and the vitamin and mineral pack addresses any deficiencies. So when he gets to the weight you would like make sure to keep him on a vitamin-mineral supplement, like Horse Guard. With the help of Super Weight Gain a lot of horses are able to just be supplemented with Horse Guard and fed a high-quality forage (and maybe some concentrate) after reaching their ideal weight. However, some horses are just hard keepers and need to remain on Super Weight Gain to maintain their weight. So, just keep an eye on your horse and you can determine what is best for him.

3 Responses



January 05, 2023

Hi! I have a 6yr old OTTB, in my experience it’s common for these guys I pull off the track to have a “crash” after leaving the high physical demands that come with racing. I’ve had this guy for about 2 months and usually they’re coming out of the Crash period by now, not this guy- he’s being ridden lightly and has HORRIFIC rain rot, which I’m treating topically and with an immune blast supplement. He’s getting flax in his feed and free choice high quality hay I’ve been looking at the super weight gain supplement to try and pack some pounds back on this dude. He needs at least another 250 or so lbs to not look like he’s starving. Is adding the additional supplementation of the super weight gain too much or should I switch something around?
Horse Guard replied:
Thank you for the question. I would recommend adding Super Weight Gain<> to his diet. It will provide:

A complete vitamin-mineral supplement to meet any deficiencies * A gut supplement with prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures to help stabilize the gut flora to help them get more out of the feed they are consuming * The cool-energy base of full-fat extruded soybeans that are high in protein and fat to help put on weight and build topline

In looking at the immune blast label you should be good feeding Super Weight Gain in addition.

Let me know if I can answer anymore questions.


Dr. Kelsey Nonella

Dr. Kelsey Nonella

Dr. Kelsey Nonella

March 05, 2021


Thank you for the question. I would recommend putting him on Super Weight Gain. Super Weight Gain will provide:
• A complete vitamin-mineral supplement to meet any deficiencies that are holding him back
• A gut supplement with prebiotics, probiotics, and live yeast cultures to help stabilize the gut flora to help him get more out of the feed he is consuming
• The cool-energy base of full-fat extruded soybeans that are high in protein and fat to help put on weight and build topline
I would also recommend putting him on alfalfa pellets (slowly step him up to about 5 pounds of pellets) and free choice grass hay.

It usually takes horses like this about three months to take around and getting back on the gain. However, You can also add ½ cup of oil for even more calorie dense energy. Flaxseed oil is the best omega-3 fatty acid ratio of all the oil so look into our Flaxen Flow.

I hope this helps. Let me know if I can answer anymore questions.


Kelsey Johnson Nonella, Ph.D., PAS

Alice Raber

Alice Raber

February 24, 2021

I have a 3 year old AQHA gelding. After buying him from a auction he started looking weight…I have him on a low starch low potassium feed. What can o feed him to put weight on him. Supplements? Oats?

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