'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the stables
The feeders were full, willing, and abled
The feed bins were ready by the grain room with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there;
The ponies have nestled all snug in their stalls
While dreams of Flix Treats ran through the halls
The hunter-jumper in his cooler, and the Reiner in braids
Had just settled into a night without charades
When up in the hayloft there arose such a clatter
The token mini pony sprang from her run to see what was the matter
The sounds of horses chewing stopped in a flash
One draft horse stopped drinking with a splash
The pony looked out at the new-fallen snow
With a body condition of 7 she welcomed the temps dipping below
A thoroughbred’s whinny with cold air did appear
With the hope that the industry’s first weight gain product would be here
Then a senior horse nickered so lively and quick
Begging for Trifecta delivered from St. Nick
Now all the horses started stirring as if it were a game
Shouting their favorites each calling them by name
With "Horse Guard", "Trifecta", "Super Weight Gain", and "Glow!"
"Flix Treats", "Eas-E", and "Flaxen Flow!"
Squealing and snorting for proper nutrition for all
Filling the feed room shelves from ceilings to wall
For the cow ponies who travel or the jumpers who fly
For rodeo mounts, or eventers who dive knee high
They hoped their owners got what they needed plus something new
The horses awaited the morning for the barn staff to come thru
Healthier joints, immunity, and shiny coats with all the proof
To better digestion and structure for each little hoof
With industry firsts and over 40 years around
Horse Guard supplements come in with a bound
With our very own nutritionist to answer questions from tail to foot
For horses of all walks and colors from cremello to soot
From backyards to ranches, to show grounds and tracks
The perfect feed regiment for all your nutrition hacks
The horses got softer but still were very merry
Ears moving, thick tails swinging, and HG coats so hairy
The little pony settled down, his mane and tail endorsed with a bow
Waiting to meet his next rider and carry them to their first show
The senior horse sighed and into his mash, he made a mess
Did you know HG supplements can be soaked up to 30 min or less
The thoroughbred was leggy but wasn’t ribby at all
She resolved back to eating alone in her stall
At the end of the aisle, one horse remained
Black with a blaze and impeccably trained
He snorted and nodded his head
Told the rest of the horses they had nothing to dread
He knew the goods were coming and well on their way
Manufactured in Redmond, Oregon U-S-A
As the moon shown down through a window in the barn
Detected on his coat was but a little charm
He turned his hindquarters for the other horses to see
To the whole barn’s surprise, in big white letters, H G
With his brand a shining just like the winter snow
The horses knew a Horse Guard Christmas was ago
They nickered together as all was all right
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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