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New Addition to the Horse Guard Family

filly baby horse

On the morning of April 17th, we welcomed a new addition into the world here at Horse Guard. A cute little sorrel filly was born. In honor of Poly Royal weekend, at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where both Horse Guard Marketing Manager (and my sister) Ty and I did our undergraduate degrees, she was named Horse Guard's Poly Dolly. She has big shoes to fill and we are excited to see the potential that this filly has.

Poly's mother, Docs Red Rita, was an amazing competitor. The heart and grit that Rita has could never be surpassed. Horse Guard bought Rita as a three-year-old. Del, the owner of Horse Guard, rode her for a year, and then Rita started producing babies. Rita had three foals the next three years, all very competitive horses. Her first baby was Johnny, who went to the College Rodeo National Finals in the barrel racing twice. Tripper was Rita's second baby, who is a great rope horse and is still Del's (CEO & Founder of Horse Guard) #1 heel horse at the age of 16.

After Rita's third foal, we started riding her again and trained her to be a Pole Bending and Breakaway Roping horse. She shined in the arena. During High School Rodeo, I was lucky enough to qualify on her for the High School National Finals Rodeo in both the Pole Bending and Breakaway Roping two years in a row. Rita also had the honor of being named Oregon High School Rodeo Horse of the Year.

rita horse guard

Rita was one of the two horses I took to college. She was plagued by injuries, but always gave her whole heart in the arena. She was the reason why I was able to compete in four College National Finals Rodeos in the Breakaway Roping, and earned three West Coast Region Breakaway Roping Titles.

After an amazing career as a rodeo horse, she deserved retirement. We were also excited to have the opportunity to have more foals out of her. Poly Dolly is Rita's, fifth baby.

mare and filly

Poly Dolly's sire is A Smooth Guy from Meyers Ranch in South Dakota. A Smooth Guy is by the great Frenchmans Guy, and out of a Dry Doc, Jet Deck mare. His foal crops are just starting to show their potential.
With the great breeding that Poly Dolly has, she is bound to be a champion. This strong, athletic filly has brought joy to Horse Guard. We will keep you posted as she grows and becomes a champion herself!

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